sailing towards a better tomorrow...      

& Monday, May 28, 2007

R.I.P, Veronica Mars

I thought your story was epic, too. :(

It was fun while it lasted - and you will be missed.

( 12:28 AM )

& Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I love Heroes
Yes I do
I love Heroes
How bout you?

Awesome moments of awesome proportions

1. Nathan's sacrifice
I love you Nathan I love you!!! In many ways the decision you had to make was the hardest - you had to choose between your mum and your bro. You had to choose between a life that was paved out of you and a life of uncertainty. Heck, you could've possibly just walked into your own death! I seriously hope you don't die. Please writers find a plausible way to explain his not-death?

2. Peter and Nathan love each other!
WAH. Sweetest brother scene EVAR! I mean Lincoln and Michael also have that "I would go to jail for you" thing going on, but the LOOK on Nathan's face (illuminated by the glow of Peter's uncontrollable Nuclear powers)... DAT is unconditional love. And the look on Peter's face always kills me...... And they flew into the sky. And he exploded. WAHWAHWAH *Flails around helplessly*

3. Sylar/Peter face off
Loved the black/white contrast - Sylar in black and Peter in white. Good and Evil meet and Good prevails! At least for a while. : (See not-so-awesome moments below).

4. Molly and Micah
I bet! They are a future couple! So cute, Micah impressing Molly with his amazing technopath skillz. And Molly just rocks in general! Her sad/scared face is so convincing and the look she gets in her eyes when she sees "Officer Parkman" is adorable. Now Mohinder can go on a crusade with Molly to find people with special abilities and protect them from EVIIIILLLLL.

5. Ando and Hiro are BFFs!
"You look bad ass!" Ando, best line in the show, ever. :) I'm glad you lived. Hiro! Awesome.

6. Charles Deveaux
Aaaah I knew he had a part to play. So he can transcend death and communicate to people in his dreams? Guess that's where Peter got his dreaming powers from. I love his little speech about Peter and his compassion and the hope he has in his eyes.

7. The general hotness of the men in this episode
Nathan was really hot! His last scene was breathtaking. All the angular lines of his face softened with love. (WAAAAAAA don't die please?) And Mohinder minus the facial hair is starting to grow on me. And Peter is still hot, will always be hot, even when he's on the verge of exploding. And he looks really good in white. And the whole Nuclear vibe thingy gave him this sort of angelic glow. Haha I should really stop this shameless fawning over them. And you know, Hiro's cute and so is Ando. And I suspect that Sylar didn't look half bad even though his EVILNESS just takes over and all I can think when he is on screen is DIE SYLAR DIE.

Not so awesome and downright scary moments
(Sigh, I guess they're necessary for furthering the plot)

1. Sylar YOU IS NOT DEAD!!!!!!
Sigh. I sword won't kill Sylar! He couldn't even die when infused with all sorts of incapacitating chemicals by The Company. Even after being pronounced dead! Now if I were Hiro I would take that knife and chop his skull off and take out his brain and burn it and scatter the ashes in 4 different parts of the world. That would probably be the only way to off him permanently. Can't believe there's someone worse than him, which leads me to my next point of:

2. Scary foreshadowing of scary villain!!!
He can SEE YOU when you're looking for him? VAT?! Major creeps there man. And I thought I couldn't hate anyone more than I hated the dumbass who named himself after a watch. Yeah yeah still not over that.

3. Mama Petrelli is controlling and EVIL!!!
Or maybe she's just horribly deluded. Or maybe it's both. Aiyah I don't know her deal. First you call Peter weak (my poor Peter, sayang sayang) and then you convince your other son to let him be the one to kill millions? Terrible terrible mother. What is it with the mothers on this show?

Out-of-this-world theories

1. Mohinder's potential powers
Shanti had powers right? So high chances that Mohinder has powers too. I had a crazy thought after tonight's episode... His blood can heal the disease that deblitates our heroes. Who were the people dying in this episode? D.L. and Matt. Yet at the end of the episode both of them are still alive - Matt took 5 bullets but was not dead yet. D.L. took a bullet but at the end seemed to be in less pain. Does he have some sorta healing power ala Linderman? Except that his powers work in a different way? Or maybe it's minimal? I dunnno tell me whatchu think.

2. Kiddy heroes
I read somewhere that Linderman intended that Niki and D.L. "procreate" to achieve the maximum potential of human evolution. It is possible, that as this particular genetic strain gets passed down, that it gets more pronounced and more powerful right? I mean Peter and Nathan discovered their powers in their 20s/30s. Claire discovered hers as a teenager. Micah and Molly (aww those wee little things) seem to be in really good control of their powers already! Hmmmm...

3. Nathan isn't dead!
Now there's an online theory that Nathan could've flew Peter high up enough and dropped him before he exploded and flown to safety. Possible? I sure hope so coz Nathan can't die like that, not after his awesome display of awesomeness.

Oh, show. I love you.
You answer our questions.
You give us closure.
You produce cool characters we know and love.
And then you throw in a little teaser of the next season which sounds like lotsa fun! Ancient Japan! Coooooool... I can't wait to know what you have in store for us for season 2. And don't kill Nathan!

And with that thought I leave you in peace. :)

( 11:33 PM )

& Tuesday, May 15, 2007

This show is made of awesome.


Don't read if you haven't watched Episode 22 of Heroes. This will be short, because I am incoherent and I'm too busy SPAZZING about this episode and the PREVIEWS OF THE FINALE. o.O

Candace: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I liked you in this episode. I think underneath all those illusions you're just a poor girl who was teased coz you were not pretty/not thin... and all of this is a cover up. It's sad, the amount of faith you put in a delusional psychopath.

Mr Bennet: You can't possibly kill Molly! She's a cute little girl! She's a cute adorable little girl who doesn't deserve to die! Bennet 1, Thompson 0. =p

Linderman: HA. HA. HA. End of crazy-delusional-heal-the-world talk! I couldn't be happier.

Mohinder: You should totally adopt Molly. :)

Molly: Mohinder and Matt are your heroes? So cute! *HUGS YOU*

Niki: Yaaay! You back!

D.L.: R.I.P. You were never my favourite, but you know, killing Linderman was the BEST use of your powers so far.

Ted: R.I.P. Terrible way to die.

Papa Nakamura: YOU ARE SO COOL.


Ando: NOOOOOOOOOO I don't want the 'future' to 'repeat itself'.

Sylar: BOOM YOUR HEAD. I hope you go BOOM and the only person who dies is YOU.

Claire: You're still awesome.

Thompson: "What am I thinking?". "Your last thought". HAHAHA you is DEAD.

Heidi: YES talk some sense into your wayward husband! I hope it's enough to prevent him from turning to the dark side.

Nathan ah Nathan: Don't go bad... please? Now that the dumbass old man is gone you don't have to go through with it......

Peter: Yaaay so all the Invisible Man's teaching did help! You're on your way to becoming super cool! (And you're already super hot).

Previews are here:

( 8:54 PM )

& Monday, May 14, 2007


You'd think that only pregnant women have cravings, but apparently this is not true of me.

I have been craving pasta for about 2 weeks now.

It all started off at Pizza Hut, where we had this yummy shitake mushroom shell pasta thingy that I quite liked... and this constant craving for pasta started.

So I went back to Pizza Hut again, this time with Serena In, and ordered some patethic carbonara pasta which just wasn't fulfilling. :(

Then on Saturday I convinced my mum to go to Pizzera Bella Italia, where I had this dismal Tagliatelle Alla Bella Italia dish (basically with garlic, chicken, eggplant and mushrooms), and was sadly disappointed and unfulfilled again. :(

Then last Wednesday we went to Delicious Cafe and we ordered 3 vegetarian pastas, the Mushroom Mascaporne Angel Hair pasta was amazing, the Mac and Cheese was rich and cheesy and yum, and the Spaghettini with Eggplant was okay-okay only.


Tell me how I can get this craving to stop!!!

Looking at these pictures doesn't help:

Tell me you're not craving pasta now.

And now I'm all hungry and all I get for dinner is lousy vegetables! BOOHOOHOO.

P/S: Colleagues of mine! We need to go to Jogoya FAST! Agreeeee??? Heehee.

( 7:09 PM )

& Thursday, May 10, 2007


What do you do when you really really really want to watch the next episode of a show that hasn't been aired yet? *strangles self in anticipation* (Woe is me, next Tuesday seems so far away!!!)


You go online and surf for random silly pictures of the cast, of course!

Have a look, they crack me up. :p

The green man! Adrian Pasdar at his finest. And what's up with Milo's expression? Heehee...

Peter and Mohinder swap clothes! Hilarious.

I imagine that it'd be great, working as a crew member on the production of this show. I would gladly quit this job for a job on Heroes! Then again, which Heroes fan wouldn't? :)


Yesterday was my mummy's birthday and we celebrated at Delicious cafe 1 Utama: 3 different types of vegetarian pasta (yes vegetarian pasta can be nice) and 2 types of dessert. I love the Mushroom Mascaporne with Lemon Zest pasta. It has this really unique taste and the mushrooms are plentiful and huge! Mushrooms = my favourite vegetable. Are mushrooms considered vegetables?

Anyway you know you're a loser when you talk about the categorisation of mushrooms on your personal blog. Tomatoes = fruit! Avocado = fruit! Avocadoes are YUM! Especially with garlic salt. Anyway I digress.

Happy birthday mummy! Some say she looks like my older sister, which is a compliment to her but could be taken as an insult to me (VAT? I LOOK ALMOST AS OLD AS MY MUM, a 50-SOMETHING YEAR OLD?!?!?!). Hehe.

Some pics of my mum -

My mum in Korea, posing Winter Sonata-style.

My mum loves food and so do I!
And I love her. :)

( 9:22 PM )

& Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Beware of Long, Rambling Heroes Post!

Episode 21 spoilers: don't read if you don't wanna be spoiled!

ARGH if only, you know, I had Hana's ability and could infiltrate NBC's network and download unaired episodes of Heroes! Coz seriously... waiting for two weeks to see whether New York explodes/whether it is Peter who does it/whether they can change the future/whether my favourites live or die IS JUST TOO MUCH!!! I am totally unable to delay gratification. GAH. If only the remaining episodes could be transmitted from the writers' brains to MINE.

Ahem. Anyways.

Things I loved:
1. Claire and Uncle Peter
Waaah how sweet are they? At least in all this confusion these two lost souls manage to find each other! And they're family! Awwwww... Peter's been living under his brother's shadow all his life - it's good that there's someone who looks up to him and cares about him.

2. Claire and Mr Bennet
Yaay reunion! Now maybe Mr Bennet will know what to do with this mess.

3. Claire and Nathan
"You can fly?" ... "That's cool". Hehe. You can tell how much Claire actually hangs on to every detail she knows about her biological dad/anything he says... it's adorable! I hope Nathan doesn't go down the wrong path. I hope they have a chance to bond!!! And they can be a big happy Petrelli family! (provided Peter doesn't blow up boohoo)

4. Mohinder and Little Molly Walker
Adorable! Every scene they had together was adorable. Molly's abilities are cool plus she called Sylar the boogeyman ahahahaHA. And I love that Mohinder is the antidote. And his sister had abilities... I wonder if he has any. Cool beans!

Things I Didn't Like:
1. Sylar and Mum

The writers actually want us to sympathise with a twisted mass-murderer by showing us his sad past? Yeah, sure, he's all delusional and he's murdering people left, right, centre, and you blame it on his mum's expectations of him. Man goes wrong, blame it on woman. VAT?!?! How Freudian can you get?

2. Angela Petrelli
What was all that crap about faith? How can any good come out of so many people dying? She does realise she's talking about (possibly) allowing her poor poor overlooked son Peter to explode? I'm confused - I want to like her. But she's manipulative and she's manipulating Nathan and these good boys always listen to their mother... Wah. What is it with this show and MOTHERS anyway? Guess I just have to watch the next two episodes to see what happens - which brings me back to my original point - why can't they be out like NOW?!?!? >.<

3. Candice
She's scary! Her ability to create illusions is really dangerous - it's bad now that she's working for the company... but what if Sylar gets her brain? Nathan's life is in danger HELP!

Petrellis at work.

Theories/Speculation/Worrisome Thoughts
1. Can you really change the future?
So far all the drawings that Isaac painted - they've all come true. The drawing of the cheerleader - a blonde cheerleader did die, just not Claire. Isaac painted his death, and he died. Whatever Isaac paints does happen - it just happens in a way that we don't expect it to. But if you subscribe to this theory... then New York will blow up! And no... they can't do that to us! And if you can't change the future, it means that Nathan is gonna die! And Peter is gonna blow up! And the scary future we've seen will happen regardless! oh noes......

2. Angela Petrelli's speech
Do you think something worse could happen if New York doesn't explode? Linderman is psychotic and has weird ideas on the concept of 'healing', but why would Angela also want for this to happen? Does she know something we don't?

3. Health defects
Hmm. So far, three people with special abilities have had diseases - Molly Walker, Mohinder's sister Shanti, and Charlie (Hiro's girlfriend with the good memory - she said she had a brain tumour). Is this something that will manifest in all Heroes? If so, let's hope Sylar contracts it and DIES!

4. Niki/Jessica
Oooh Jessica seems to be mellowing. I guess that's how she eventually gets back to her Niki persona (like we saw in the future).

Creepy fella

And this is the part where I talk to the characters of the show:

Mohinder: Yaay I'm liking you a lot better now than in the earlier episodes. Now's your chance to BRING DOWN THE COMPANY and save Molly Walker from the clutches of ambiguous EVIL!


Claire: All my brother had to say after this episode was that you look prettier with straight hair than with curly hair. EEK you are impairing my brother's reasoning ability - oh who am I to talk... Peter has the same effect on me. ^^

Nathan: NOOOOO do not go over to the DARK SIDE...

Hiro: Keep fighting the good fight, yo! And save Ando - he is your BFF! And seriously, just kill Sylar already. Don't be all noble about it. Sylar does not deserve your pity!!!

Ando: You are totally the Sam Gamgee to Hiro's Frodo Baggins. Remember, he can't save the world without you!

Candice: I wish I could wipe that smug little smirk off your face.

Claude the Invisible and Missing: Where on earth are you? I kept expecting you to turn up when Peter looked like he was gonna lose control of his newly absorbed nuclear powers, you know, to PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE! Heehee.

Molly: *pinches your cheeks* you are such a cutie! :)

Peter: Yaay the wide-eyed-innocent-hopeful-you is back! Listen to Claire, don't keep running to your brother, not when he's thinking of allowing you/Ted/Sylar/whoerever it is to blow up the whole of New York. You're still my hero, regardless of what happens. :)

Okay I should probably stop, though I think I could probably go on for about 10 pages more. Verbose I am!

Win, if you're reading this, I think you're probably the only one who understands my long insane ramblings. Hee! ^^

ONE more week till my next Heroes fix. Sigh.

Heroes heroes heroes, you have made such an addict out of me.

The Pretty Petrellis! =p

( 11:23 PM )

& Friday, May 04, 2007

Long-overdue Korean food Photo Post!

I love Korean food. Lookie at what we had in Korea!

Clockwise from top left:

1. Seafood pancake - there's eggs and prawns and squid and asparagus in this YUMMY pancake. *drool* Ate it with lots of soysauce.

2. Bibimbab - yes that's what it's called. :) It comes in this sizzling stone bowl... all you need to do is stir and mix the ingredients. It's like fried rice! Except you do the frying in your own bowl. Heh. And the ingredients are already cooked. I loved the slightly burnt rice at the bottom. Also ate it with lots of soysauce.

3. Some chicken and rice noodle thingy - What's so fun about Korean food is that you get to cook most of it yourself! Apparently this dish was made famous by Winter Sonata. It was yummy! After you've finished half of it, they add rice into the sizzling pan and you get to fry rice again. Haha... look at how innovative they are.

4. Sizzling pork with cabbage! - this was the highlight of our trip. I don't know what seasoning they use. It was slightly sweet, and salty, and spicy at the same time. Best eaten when wrapped with lettuce and SEAWEED. YUM.

5. Emperor's meal - Four people to a square table that was LADEN with food. It looked so so impressive when it first came out, but sadly, only a few out of the 15+ dishes were nice. I liked the steamed egg though. But they had RAW CRAB (still in the shell) and raw octopus! Eeek!

6. Seafood steamboat - Whoa. You name it - prawns, mussels, crab, la-la, MUSHROOMS (okay not seafood, I know I know)... Hehe. Yummmmy tooooo...

Oh and have a look at Adelaide at night -

Pretty horr?! And the place where you look at it is called Windy Point. How cool is that? It is really windy... and the road that takes you there is windy too! Double meaning! Heh.

Byebye now!

( 9:16 PM )

& Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Only read if you have watched Heroes Episode 20, or have no intention of watching, or if you don't mind spoilers. Lots of incoherent babbling ahead. Because, because...


5 years into the future man. 5 years. And what a bleak, bleak world that is.

I think it takes great vision for these writers to think up the plots that they did. They seriously weren't exagerrating with the tagline "friends becoming enemies and enemies becoming friends".

Now, if I could talk to the characters in this episode, this is what I would say:

Matt Parkman: Can you ever do anything right? I was sympathetic; your life was full of crap and it was getting crappier... but now you're actually AIDING the WRONG PEOPLE and turning against your OWN KIND?

Mr Bennet: I love you. I loved you since the "Company Man" episode, and I hope you get to live in the alternate future that our Heroes create.

Claire: My brother really likes you. He thinks you're hot as a blonde, and hot as a brunette too. The world is unfair. And you have a father who loves you. And Peter "freaking hot" Petrelli is your uncle. Jealous I am!

Claude aka Invisible Man: Where ARE you? I miss your snark and sarcasm and your British accent.

Hana aka Wireless: I knew you were cool. I hope you live too.

Niki: I like you so much better now that Jessica's gone. And PETER?!?!?! Totally unexpected. Jealous I am!

Sylar: WHY WHY WHY can't you just die off the face of this earth? If you talk about being special and chosen one more time I will choke and die. And seriously, you named yourself after a WATCH? How dumb is that?!?!

Nathan: *cries* :'(

Hiro: Waaah I still love you. The future you scares me too..... he's so world-weary and sad...

Ando: I'm quite fond of you too... Don't die?! o.O

Mohinder: Finally, FINALLY you did something right. ^^ And you're called "The Professor" huh? Cool beans!

Peter: If you have Claire's healing powers, why couldn't you regenerate? I'm not complaining, the scar still looks hot on you. No one can make angst look as good as you... no one except maybe Michael Scofield. Okay. Wrong show. Anyway where was I? I thought present you was cute, you know, all doe-eyed and altruistic and hopeful...... BUT! The future dangerous-jaded-powerful you is SO HOT. You're in total control of your powers and on top of that you fight WITH FIRE and in a TRENCHCOAT. I'm a sucker for trenchcoats. It was like Neo from the Matrix, but better.

Okay. You know you're obsessed when you start talking to fictional characters.

I shall wait with bated breath for next Tuesday to arrive.

In the meantime I shall watch that episode for the 1956322382th time. =p

( 10:51 PM )

* welcome aboard

the little ship of hope
taking you wherever you want to go
where the future is bright and full of promise.

* this is me

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girl * 26 years of age * working * a bit of a dreamer * foodie

i love * クリス アレン
food | chocs * shrimp paste chicken * garlic butter prawns
tv | glee * big bang theory * heroes * v mars * gilmore girls
japanese dramas | one litre of tears * ryuusei no kizuna
hot actors | nishikido ryo * ninomiya kazunari * milo
anime | kenshin * furuba * saiyuki * tsubasa * ouran
fictional characters | kenshin * sirius * remus * jasper
travelling | venice * australia * japan * the world
sad songs * the ocean * sunsets * the australian night sky

* playlist

josh groban - si volvieras a mi / february song
jay chou - yi lu xiang bei
james morrisson - you make it real for me
dashboard confessional - stolen
sick puppies - all the same
kris allen - i need to know / red guitar
imogen heap - hide and seek / come here boy
snow patrol - run
casting crowns - who am i
sister garden - xie xie ai
ninomiya kazunari - konseki / niji
glee - keep holding on
chris colfer (kurt on glee) - defying gravity
ben folds - the luckiest

* previous ramblings

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  • April 2007
  • May 2007
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  • September 2007
  • October 2007
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  • December 2007
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